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Silk Road Wines

Georgian WinesWine Storage Tips and Tricks

Wine Storage Tips and Tricks

Having an impressive collection of wine bottles is definitely one of the joys of being a wine lover. Wine collectors can not only impress their friends and family members with their extensive range of wines, but they can also sip from this delicious beverage each and every day and have a great time with their loved ones. 


Whether the wine is meant for a special occasion or for everyday drinking, it’s essential to utilize proper storage techniques so that the wine won’t lose its quality and taste. The following tips and tricks will help you store your wine bottles safely and enjoy them for a long period of time.

1. Keep Your Wine Cool

The right temperature is by far one of the most important conditions for storing your wine safely as heat is enemy number one for wine and can cause the wine bottles to “cook”. As a result, the taste of the wine will be modified and not in a good way.


The ideal temperature range is between 45° F and 65° F to preserve your wine bottles in fine condition for years and enjoy a fresh, delicious taste of wine all the time.

2. Maintain the Right Humidity

The preferable humidity percentage for the area storing wine bottles is between 60% and 70%. Without enough of it, the cork in your bottle may dry out and cause air to get into the bottle and ruin the wine. You also run the risk of the wine leaking, creating a mess, and leaving you without a bottle for your special celebration.

High humidity levels, on the other hand, could peel off the label and ruin the aesthetics of the bottle. To increase moisture, place a pan of water in the wine storage cabinet or cellar. Similarly, if the humidity is too high, using a dehumidifier is a good call.

3. Keep Your Wine Bottles Away From the Light

Keep your bottles of wine away from light as much as possible as light is a big enemy for the wine bottles. Though the glass is tinted to help filter out harmful rays light can still get through. Do your best to keep your wine bottles away from direct sunlight as UV rays degrade the quality of the wine and cause it to age more rapidly. No matter where you store your wine, make sure that the area is dark.

4. Allow Clean Airflow

It is important that the air in your wine storage area be clean because a wine bottle is a porous material though the cork seals it. Some air does get through and promotes gradual aging. Strong odors can seep into the cork and then into the wine, destroying the aromas and flavors.

So if you clean your storage area avoid using cleaners with heavy scents as they can permeate the cork, too.

5. Turn the Bottle Sideways

If your bottle has a regular cork store it laying down on its side as this position allows the liquid to press against the cork and prevent it from drying. If the cork dries, air will get inside the bottle and the wine quality will decrease over time. However, if the wine collector wants to drink his wine in the following weeks then he can safely store his wine bottles vertically as the cork won’t dry that soon.

6. Avoid Movement and Vibrations

No matter where you store your wine, you should ensure that there are no vibrations as even minor vibrations disturb the aging process, potentially accelerating it and ruining the wine. Vibrations may also keep sediment from settling in the bottle, leaving you with an unpleasantly gritty drink.

So, to prevent your collection from going bad, take the above tips to heart and store your wine properly.

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