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Silk Road Wines

Silk Road WinesThe Best Way to Taste Wine

The Best Way to Taste Wine

There are thousands of different brands of wine on the market and not one of them will taste exactly like the other. For those who are interested in trying new wines, this means you may become quite overwhelmed with all the options. 


A great way to taste new wines without breaking the bank is to go to a wine tasting. Wine tastings are held by vineyards, liquor stores, and restaurants. They often feature different brands of wine from all over the world. This allows wine lovers to grab a taste of something new without buying the entire bottle.


Before you run off to grab a pair of tickets to your next wine tasting it is important to know the best method to taste and try new wines. This method is known as the seven S’s of wine tasting. It is tried and true. Keep reading to learn what each S stands for and why it is important.



The first thing you should do with your glass of wine is hold it to the light. This will give you an idea of the depth of the color of the wine, which can tell you more about the flavor you are about to encounter. In general, bold and heavy wines are darker while lighter wines are refreshing.



Next, gently swirl the wine in the glass. This allows air to get into the wine, which enhances its overall flavor. It also allows the wine to release molecules that provide you with the scent of the wine before drinking it. 


When you stop swirling the wine, look at the edges of the glass. This will provide you with a view of the ‘legs’ of the wine. Legs occur when the wine drips down the side of the glass. If it is a slow and thick leg, the wine will likely be sweeter than a quick runny leg.



Give your glass of wine a small sniff just at the edge. Fruity scents typically come from white wines and indicate a colorful flavor palette. Red wines typically have a plum, cherry, or blackberry smell to them. Other wines will have floral scents, spicy scents, or smoky scents. It all depends on the makeup and composition of the wine.



Go ahead and take that first drink of your wine, but make it a relatively moderate sip. Swish the wine around your mouth once before swallowing. This will coat your mouth to prepare for the wine. 



This is the second sip you will need to take to prepare to truly get a taste of the wine at hand. Pucker your lips and suck air into the wine while taking a sip. Swish it around your mouth and really focus on the flavor profile it has to offer. 



This is the third sip required for tasting wine. This is the sip you get to truly enjoy. It will help you determine if it is the right wine to bring home, or if it is a wine that should be passed on due to your specific flavor preferences.



If you do not like the wine or do not want to get drunk at a tasting, then it is completely okay to spit out the wine and start fresh with another option. This is part of the fun of a wine tasting and it is likely that you will not be the only one doing this.


Buy a Bottle and Enjoy

After successfully trying and finding a wine that you enjoy, it is time to purchase a bottle and head home. Enjoy the wine paired with a favorite meal, as a social enhancer, or just to relax at the end of the day. Wine comes in so many flavors, some of the best are from the country of Georgia.  If you are interested in expanding your wine knowledge about Georgian wine please feel welcome to visit our product page or join us at an upcoming event.

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US Veteran Owned – Premium Georgian wine importer.