How Long Can I Keep a Bottle of Wine?
After a long day, relaxing with a glass of wine is a great treat. An added benefit of wine is it comes in various flavors, which means there is a […]
Who’s Behind the Curtain at Silk Road Wines and Emerald Vines Media???
Experience is the only thing that brings knowledge; and the longer you are on Earth, the more experience you are sure to get. L. FRANK BAUM, ‘THE WIZARD OF OZ’ […]
How do you Pronounce That?
There’s always someone that mispronounces the name of a bottle of wine, and I’m sure you have experienced it…like the guy at dinner that wants to show off and loudly orders a
8,000+ Years of Winemaking History in Georgia
Close your eyes, and think back to your high school history class when you first learned about Marco Polo (the real person, not the game played in a pool). While many have traveled